Monday, April 11, 2011

Do women in political office affect public policy?

Do women in political office effect domestic and foreign policy? If so, what effect do you think they have? If not, why do think there is not an effect? Cite an article you have previously read for class or an article you have found on your own to substantiate your response.


  1. Stefan V, Rodgers 3
    In my experience, the question should be stated as "Do women in political office have a different effect on public policy than the effect men in political office have on public policy?". In responding to this question, it is my belief that women, as of the current day and age, do not have a different effect on public policy than men do. In general, politicians regardless of sex deal with the same issues, and while women may have a certain bias based on their sex, they still deal with the same issues.
    An article to substantiate my claim is found at, which is essentially women talking about how they affect public policy. However, they are simply doing the same thing that men do, but placing their beliefs behind different issues. Congratulations.

  2. Ian V, Rodgers 3
    Yes, women have an effect on policy. This is because they are intrinsically more nurturing and emotional than men. They also will focus more on womens' rights because they feel like that is one of the main reasons they were elected. The effect they have is a more diplomatic approach to policy issues because of their less aggressive nature. Cool story

  3. Women in political office definitely have effect on domestic and foreign policy. I think that women in office want to get more legislation passed to empower more women everywhere. By doing this, other women have the self belief to get the same types of things done.

    (Tripp T., Tarro 3)

  4. My last comment didn't post which is upsetting. Hilary Clinton affects public policy. She is the Secretary of State so she decides which countries are priority to deal with. Clinton is being slammed for dealing with Libya, but she is only doing her job.
    Allison R, Rodgers 3

  5. Joey L, Rodgers 3

    Women in political office do effect domestic and foreign policy. They have a negative effect on some becuase I feel that some women are not taken as seriously as men. Until a woman becomes either president or vice president, they will always be viewed differently from the public.
